Apr 20, 2015

New Jurassic World Trailer

[Spoilers for Jurassic Park ahead]

There has been a new trailer released for Jurassic World. And I'm so excited! It looks great and has a lot of action and quite a few different kinds of dinosaurs. We learn in this one that Chris Pratt's character seems to be some kind of raptor "trainer/tamer", or caretaker. I'm all for that, that would be a natural step to take for a theme park/zoo place. I'm so ready to see some more interaction with the raptors. We also saw a glimpse of a tyrannosaurus, which is great because it wouldn't really be a Jurassic Park movie without it.

There were a few things I'm not loving, the first is the whole "she's killing for sport". That immediately puts her in a villain role, which means they have to kill/defeat her in the end. What I really like about the original is that the tyrannosaurus isn't a villain, she's probably just hungry and happen to come across some tasty humans with annoying flashlights every now and then. There is never any plan to "defeat" her, the protagonists are just trying to get away. And at the end she even saves them, though I'm sure that wasn't her plan. The Jurassic World trailer makes it feel more like Godzilla (1998), where you bring in the military to try to take the monster down. I think I liked it more when they were just trying to survive in a world of dinosaurs.

The second thing I didn't like was that they revealed what the super dino looked like. She looks good, very impressive and so, but I think they should've waited with the reveal for the movie. Going back again to Godzilla (1998), if you want to see the monster you have to see the movie. Asses into seats.

So I'm not totally loving the approach they're going for here, but the rest is brilliant. The park is looking great, good actors, lots of dinosaurs and the CGI is looking really good. The movie's already getting quite a bit of complains about the CGI, and I'd be lying if I'd say I didn't miss the live action dinosaur animatronics/costumes, but they weren't that great looking. It was just nice because they were really there. But these dinosaurs are looking so awesome, they look powerful and living and I'm all for the dinosaurs being CGI. I said it, sue me.

What I meant to say was: the trailer is very good, if a bit long, and I can't wait for June.