Oct 4, 2014

5 Reasons You Should Watch Bob's Burgers

Here's a show you might have missed, Bob's Burgers. It's okay, I hadn't even heard of it until my boyfriend
showed me. Well did you see the Family Guy/Simpsons crossover? Remember the third guy in the airplane with Homer and Peter? That's Bob. Owner of Bob's Burgers, a small burger restaurant in... well wherever they are. He runs the restaurant with his wife Linda, and their three kids, Gene, Tina and Louise. The show follows their adventures while running the restaurant. Don't worry, it's still running, on Fox. The fifth season is just about to start. You can find the first three seasons on Netflix, so there's no excuse for you not to start catching up on what you've been missing. Still not convinced? Well here are five reasons you should be watching this show.

1. The characters

The best thing of this show will end up as the first thing on this list. The characters are what makes you want to continue watching this show. They are funny, relatable, and you just have a good time hanging with them, no matter what they are up to. What I love about them is that everyone's pretty quirky but not to a point that it is unrealistic. They are a good kind of weird, that only original characters can be.

2. The plotlines

One of the things Bob's does really well in the episodes is making sure everyone in the family gets plenty of screen time. That's not an easy task when there are five family members. The plotlines are quite different episode to episode. One time it's about an assignment the kids have to do in school, next time it's about a talking toilet. Yes you read that right, there's an episode about a talking toilet. But it's never boring. You're always with the characters, you want to see how it turns out. You can very rarely say "oh I know how this is going to end", which makes the show feel fresh.

3. The background jokes

Bob's is filled with background jokes, and it starts in the intro. Every intro they change the store next to Bob's restaurant and the car that stops in front of it. They also have "burger of the day" written on a board in the restaurant, and the name of it is usually a pun or play on words. They are always funny and just add a nice extra layer of detail to the show.

4. The voices

This could have gone under characters, but I felt it deserved its own place on the list. The voice acting on this show is magnificent. Every character has a distinguishable voice that goes incredibly well with the character. The casting is fenomenal and you can tell that the actors are giving a 100 % every time they record it. They give the characters a lot of energy, which makes them not only funnier, but also they feel more alive.

5. This is not The Simpsons or Family Guy

I know what you're thinking. An animated show about a family with three kids on Fox, been there done that. While yes, obviously there are going to be some similarities, I find Bob's to be quite different from the other two. Family guy has always imitated The Simpsons, quite a few of the Family Guy writers have previously worked on The Simpsons, and yes, The Simpsons have probably imitaded Family Guy a couple of times. Bob's Burger on the other hand doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with The Simpsons or Family Guy. It's doing its own thing, has it's own humor. So even if you're getting a little tired of The Simpsons and rip offs, here is a show that takes another route. I seriously recommend you to check this show out, it might surprise you.

Images: Fox

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